
Wanting a personal, non-competitive environment where she could keep track of her books, express her opinions about them and feel free with her words, Fableknot was created on January 4th, 2014. The sole reviewer and creator of this fine site, she works relentlessly to keep each and every one of her works at their very best, despite being an impulsive procrastinator extraordinaire and one of the worst time-managers in the world.

When not reading or reviewing, she can be found on her computer finishing her next piece of art, tapping away on one of her novel ideas, studying about her Filipina heritage, roleplaying with her friends online, watching various shows, or playing video games. Please excuse any breaches in etiquette she might make since she's a socially awkward penguin, online and off. She's also well-versed in memes, which may be cause for some confusion-filled silences that may occur whenever she makes references.